Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Some photos from yesterday's Renewal of Vows service ...

Taking a brief hiatus from Holy Week preparations, I thought I'd post a few pictures from yesterday's Renewal of Vows service down at St. John's Cathedral.

Here we're all looking back toward the baptismal font ...

Here in procession back toward the font where the bishops were all stationed to give us their blessing ...

Here we're all returning the favor by laying hands on our bishops ...

And here we've turned our attention back to the altar as it is prepared with the holy food and drink of new and unending life.

And a good time was had by all.
(Photo credit: Clare Zabala, Diocese of Los Angeles)


  1. I am in awe of those palm trees! Good also to see mi compaƱero, Butch, in the procession. Also nice to see a more formal renewal of vows than how we do it in the frozen north.

  2. Susan+ Thanks for sharing the pics - they are great. A time of renewal! What a blessing!


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