Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sleepy In Seattle

I'm in Seattle to visit with Integrity folk here and to talk about our plans for Lambeth at St. Mark's tomorrow. They're keeping me pretty busy so blogging will be sporadic for the next day or so.
However, before I take my sleepy-in-Seattle self off to bed ...
In the Good News Department: Let's rejoice with those in New York who will now have their marriages recognized ...
In the Breaking News Department: Check out the just-launched blog for the All Saints Church "Transformational Journey" about to embark for South Africa ...
In the "What Are the Odds" Department: And ask yourself just what are the odds that Kendall Harmon and Susan Russell would have the same favorite scene in the same favorite movie?
All for now ... later, alligators!

1 comment:

  1. enjoy Seattle - wish I were there visiting 3 of our grandkids.


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