Sunday, September 28, 2008

It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood!
Exhibit A is this shot of one of the angels of St. John's Cathedral looking out over the City of Angels ...

... while the rest of us gathered inside for a Festival Evensong celebrating the Feast of St. Michael & All Angels ...

... and where Bishop Jon Bruno made Jim White an honorary canon of St. John's Cathedral, in recognition of his decades of tireless activism on behalf of the LGBT faithful in the Diocese of Los Angeles and beyond.

Here's Jim with his "you are now officially a Canon" certificate (suitable for framing!) ...

And here is Canon White posing outside with +Jon and his fellow honoree, Canon Cov Davis.

Congratulations, Jim! Well deserved and well done -- and bravo to the Diocese of Los Angeles for recognizing what the rest of us have known for years: you ARE the best -- and this church and our lives are SOOOOOOOOO much richer for your ministry and your friendship.


  1. Oh no! He'll never condescend to have a mani/pedi with me now! Oh well. Canon White. Has a lovely ring to it.

    Well done, Missy. Well done indeed.


  2. I very likely wouldn't have made it back to church were it not for Cuv Davis. I am glad she's a canon too.

  3. Oh that is terrific! Congratulations to the new Canon.


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