Friday, October 10, 2008

And let the people say, AMEN to the Boston Globe ...

... and "make it stop" to John McCain!

The head of the nation's biggest labor federation is joining the chorus of voices warning about the increasingly angry crowds coming to John McCain's campaign events.
At rallies this week, McCain's criticisms of Democrat Barack Obama have been met with shouts of "terrorist," "liar," and other harsh words.

"Sen. John McCain, Gov. Sarah Palin and the leadership of the Republican party have a fundamental moral responsibility to denounce the violent rhetoric that has pervaded recent McCain and Palin political rallies," said John Sweeney, president of the AFL-CIO, which has endorsed Obama.
"When rally attendees shout out such attacks as 'terrorist' or 'kill him' about Sen. Barack Obama, when they are cheered on by crowds incited by McCain-Palin rhetoric -- it is chilling that McCain and Palin do nothing to object.
"In a world where unspeakable violence is too often promulgated by extremists, it is no small or trivial matter to call someone a terrorist -- or to incite potentially dangerous individuals toward violence," Sweeney said in a statement.
"John McCain, Sarah Palin and Republican leaders are walking a very thin line in pretending not to hear the hateful invectives spewed at their rallies. McCain should end this line of attack in the strongest possible terms. Anything less puts McCain in the same camp as the racists and extremists who are bringing their angry rhetoric to his campaign events."
And if a picture is worth 1000 words, this video is worth about 100,000:


  1. that video was disturbing and sad -such anger/hatred and fear - terrorist? liar? where will this lead? it chills me to consider the possibilities...

  2. Ok Susan+ I had to grab some scotch to wash that video down with. The thing that gets me about these people is that when confronted on the subjects they are opposed to - they freeze up. Their banter reminds me of evangelicals who shout scriptures in the street, yet when you try to get in a conversation about it - nothing inteligent comes out of their mouths - they shout and freeze and repeat only that which has been drilled into their heads. I support Barack Obama - because he endorses free thinking. I am glad that I can think for myself.

    Let's not forget the best video of Palin:

  3. That ¨crowd¨ is exactly the same ¨crowd¨ that citizens have been listening to for lifetimes...the words are different but the
    fear/hate remains the same...most of the time, like right now, they simply shoot off their mouths and don´t know why or whom they hurt when they do.

  4. I am so glad my vote does not matter this time. I think Senator Obama's tax ideas are simply wrong, and Senator McCain's ideas about everything else are worse. Ah well, everyone knows how Illinois will vote.


  5. Frank Schaeffer, who campaigned for McCain in 2000, said it well:

    John McCain: If your campaign does not stop equating Sen. Barack Obama with terrorism, questioning his patriotism and portraying Mr. Obama as "not one of us," I accuse you of deliberately feeding the most unhinged elements of our society the red meat of hate, and therefore of potentially instigating violence.

    At a Sarah Palin rally, someone called out, "Kill him!" At one of your rallies, someone called out, "Terrorist!" Neither was answered or denounced by you or your running mate, as the crowd laughed and cheered. At your campaign event Wednesday in Bethlehem, Pa., the crowd was seething with hatred for the Democratic nominee - an attitude encouraged in speeches there by you, your running mate, your wife and the local Republican chairman.


    Baltimore Sun, October 10, 2008

    We’ve seen this from “commentators” on Fox News. Now we are seeing this from the candidates themselves. Obama has received death threats from the day he declared his candidacy. For McCain/Palin to use the irrational fears of ignorant people as a campaign tactic is desperate – and beyond despicable.

  6. Dear Rev. Russell:

    I know everyone is ready to believe the worst about people with whom they disagree, but to set the record straight:

    The report (and I'm looking for the u-tube) said that McCain was booed by the crowd Friday when he said he believed that even if he lost Barack Obama would make a good President. McCain further said he respected Obama and that he disagreed with the crowd about what they were yelling.
    He was shouted down by the crowd, but didn't back away from his stance.
    As soon as I find the you tube (if one gets posted) I will forward it here. But this was reported on the noon radio broadcast here in Detroit.
    So before we start blaming John McCain (who I'm not voting for) let's make sure he hasn't already responded, which according to ABC News he has.
    I've heard Democrats (and I'm not voting for Barack either) make similar kinds of vile statements toward President Bush, Ronald Reagan (who a prominent Democrat said was out to starve old people and poor people) so it's not just one-sided.
    My state - Michigan - is clearly in Obama's camp so I'm voting for Nader as a protest against two very unqualified tickets. Both with dirty hands in the current financial meltdown and neither with the political guts or will to do what is really needed to fix the problem.
    I still remain amazed that I haven't heard much from this blog or others about Sen. Biden's statement on the ticket's (Obama and Biden) stance that marriage is defined as between a man and woman.
    As important as this issue is to this constituency I would think it would deserve at least a passing reference.

    A sinner saved by God's Grace

    Jim of Michigan

  7. Yeppers, he's responding now alright ... but my "inner cynic" is wondering whether that would be happening without pressure from voices like the Boston Globe.

  8. You have the most un-vetted Presidential nominee in history and you wonder why vicious rumors abound. The major media has taken such a pass at exploring his background and associations that it boggles the mind. When any hint of looking into Senator Obama’s past, the race card is pulled from the deck and played for all its worth.

    Bill Ayers is an easy example – imagine a Republican office seeker starting his or her political career at a coffee thrown by Tim McVey ….. yep, the media would surely ignore that association.
    The differences between Ayers and McVey are luck, political outlook and body count.

    Rev. Wright easily follows. The Senator’s spiritual leader for 20 years, whose sermon title became one of Barrack’s memoirs title, couldn’t have possibly been an influence. Therefore, we must ignore the racial vitriol spewed by the preacher. Another pass issued by the media.

    Should we talk about Tony Resko and realities of Chicago politics or just let that go because it isn’t important.

    If Keeting is important so are these characters.

    The media has left its job to Obama’s opposition and the league of nut jobs accessing blogs and emails, don’t complain about the product. Hillary certainly isn’t.

  9. Dear Rev. Russell:

    Actually McCain has been responding that way all along. It is why the far right hates him. He refuses to engage his opponent.
    What I so dislike about politics and why my cynical side has made me give up on the two major parties, is that John McCain has been a hero to Democrats for years.
    He has been a thorn in the side of Republican Presidents since he has been in Congress. He is independent, fights for what he believes is right no matter which side is promoting it. He has been a darling of Democrats because of it.
    No less than Joe Biden, Bill Clinton have said they would be proud to have him as President (before the election cycle).
    Now he's the devil. That is why so many of us are turned off on the process. We demonize people who don't deserve it.
    We cut no slack, in fact we belittle and try to tear them down, even when in the past they have been friendly to our ideas.
    It is an unseemly process and one that I would have thought a member of the clergy would have done more to soften, rather than enflame.
    John McCain is who he has always been, so either the folks who liked him before and attack him now were lying before or they are lying now. Either way, a problem.
    I remember back to the primary and how upset you and others were with Obama and the media attacks on Hillary. Many of you, some on this blog, said they were going to support McCain because of Obama's inexperience and the way Hillary was treated.
    I guess political expediency took over. Again that is why I have turned off on the process, as have many others I know.
    If people were honest, they would admit that at last week's debate the two lightweights who appeared had no answers to our current financial crisis and, in fact, were both part of the reasons for it.
    But this is an election year so honesty is in short supply.
    As I told my son the other night, it's in God's hands, he already knows the outcome and it will be as he wills. Thank God, for God.

    A sinner saved by God's Grace

    Jim of Michigan.


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