Saturday, October 04, 2008

Pittsburgh Chooses Schism This Day

ENS reports that the Diocese of Pittsburgh has -- as expected -- voted to "realign" with the Province of the Southern Cone.

ENS article here.
The Presiding Bishop's statement below:

"I believe that the vast majority of Episcopalians and Anglicans will be intensely grieved by the actions of individuals who thought it necessary to remove them from The Episcopal Church," Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori said after the vote. "I have repeatedly reassured Episcopalians that there is abundant room for dissent within this Church, and that loyal opposition is a long and honored tradition within Anglicanism. Schism is not, having frequently been seen as a more egregious error than charges of heresy. "

"There is room in this Church for all who desire to be members of it. The actions of the former bishop of Pittsburgh, and some lay and clergy leaders, have removed themselves from this Church; the rest of the Church laments their departure. We stand ready to welcome the return of any who wish to rejoin this part of the Body of Christ."

1 comment:

  1. As an Episcopalian in the Diocese of San Joaquin, I feel incredibly sad that this has happened in another diocese. There is a prolonged recovery from schism, and it is not good for the church. Dear god, is there something for us all to learn in this? Will we learn to have faith, to trust God more?


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