Saturday, October 11, 2008

This one gets an A+ ...

True or False?

Don't miss this not-quite-three-minute "debunking" of the Yes on Prop 8 lies ...

... which deserves WIDE distribution!

Ready ... Set ... FORWARD!!!!!


  1. I really like this because it clearly lays out the argument against Prop. 8. And it is sooo heartening to have the Episcopal Church represented as a force for "doing the right thing". Good luck to all of you in California, and please pray for us in Florida!

  2. Dear Rev. Russell:

    And yet the Presidential ticket that you support would both put "Yes" on 8 signs in their yards if they lived in California.
    It's hard to understand how they get a pass on that stance unless everyone knows they are winking (lying) about how they really feel and are simply lying to get votes, or they really feel that way.
    Either way it's a problem, don't you think?
    The silence on this issue is deafening.

    A sinner saved by God's Grace

    Jim of Michigan

  3. Off topic, what have you been doing recently to particularly PO Matt Kennedy? Not bad photo-shopping, but ....

  4. jim .. actually, you have that wrong. Exactly wrong. Neither candidate supports "gay marriage" but both candidates have spoken against constitutional amendments in that regard.

    And yes, they both want to get elected.

    That's what politicians do.

  5. lapinbizzare -- I haven't had time to notice what they're up to over there but my suspicion is if I'm drawing fire it's BECAUSE I haven't had tmie to notice what they're up to over there ... they definitely act up more when you ignore them.

  6. Your head has been photo-shopped onto a Stalin-era Soviet poster of happy harvesting peasants (got to give it to them for subtlety and moving with the times). As the entire post concerns events in the diocese of Southeast Florida, it's pretty mystifying.


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