Lisa Fox, from the Diocese of Missouri, offers the following good news (on her blog "My Manner of Life") from the recently completed Diocesan Convention:
Many you know there is s national move afoot to get dioceses on board to repudiate B033 and apologize for its effects, to ask General Convention to affirm same-sex-blessings, and to re-open the door to LBGT candidates to the episcopate. Some brave souls decided to try to get the Diocese of Missouri "on the record" supporting those initiatives, and ... all of them passed – all of them! – all four of them.
Yes, everyone of them. Tonight, my head is reeling that all of them passed – and passed by such a wide majority that we didn't even have to count the votes. They all passed overwhelmingly. Overwhelmingly. In this conservative/moderate diocese. In this red state. My head is spinning.
Thanks for the good news report, Lisa! And for those wondering what OTHER good things are going on around the Episcopal Church, keep an eye on Be It Resolved ... the Integrity site tracking diocesan resolutions as we head toward General Convention.
Remember -- the harvest is plentiful and the laborers may be few but they're doing AMAZING work on behalf of the inclusive Gospel. Let's take a moment today to rejoice and be glad in it!
The arc of justice .... I didn't expect it to make a stopover in the Diocese of Missouri this year. But it did, TBTG!