Thursday, November 06, 2008


I'm heading to the airport literally momentarily for the Integrity Board Meeting, but wanted to post this before I go:


Discrimination Grieves the Heart of God

November 7, 2008

Integrity is deeply disappointed that anti-LGBT marriage bans passed in Florida and Arizona, and that in Arkansas voters voted to bar all unmarried people, LGBT or straight, from adopting children or serving as foster parents. And while ballots are still being counted in California and results are not yet clear, what is clear is that we have miles to go in this great country of ours before liberty and justice for all is not just a pledge but a reality.

“We believe discrimination against any member of the human family grieves the heart of God,’ said Integrity President Susan Russell. “And, here in California, we are deeply saddened that the multi-million dollar campaign of fear, disinformation and division waged by Proposition 8 supporters worked to convince so many voters to choose bigotry over equality.”

“While many voters came to believe this discriminatory initiative was about school curriculum and tax exempt status for churches, the reality is that this proposition attempts to totally undo one of the fundamental purposes of our constitution: to protect the rights of minorities from the kind of campaign of lies and distortions we have witnessed here in California.”

Nevertheless, Integrity is committed to continuing to work with our interfaith partners toward the day when “liberty and justice for all” in this nation really means “all.” We are convinced that in the end, the fundamental fairness of the American people will prevail and we will continue to work, strive, pray, preach and advocate for that day when LGBT families will no longer be “strangers at the gate” but full and equal citizens in this great nation of ours.

“At the same time, we will continue our efforts within the Episcopal Church and our witness to the wider Anglican Communion on behalf of the LGBT faithful. Even as we commit ourselves to continue to offer our witness to end discrimination in the civil arena, we are looking ahead to our 2009 General Convention of the Episcopal Church. Integrity and will redouble our efforts to work for the full inclusion of all the baptized in all the sacraments of our church as we pray for God’s strength and guidance in the struggle toward wholeness for the whole human family.”

(The Reverend) Susan Russell, President
714-356-5718 (mobile)
626-583-2741 (office)
620 Park Avenue #311 Rochester, NY 14607-2943


  1. Mother Susan,

    Thanks to you and everyone in California who worked so hard for the side of justice and equality. I am deeply upset and discouraged that in a country as great as this one we still treat many people as second-class citizens. I am grateful that there are people like you working hard to overcome these great injustices. Your work, unlike the work done by those on the other side of this issue, was not done in a hateful and mean-spirited way.

    I am proud to be a part of a church (TEC) that has women and men like you ministering and working to show that all are equal and loved by Christ.

    Thank you, I am praying for you and for the people of California, Arkansas, Arizona, and everywhere else as this is all very sad and disappointing.

    Christ be with you,

  2. Susan

    "in Arkansas voters voted to bar all unmarried people, LGBT or straight, from adopting children or serving as foster parents"

    As a former foster child myself, I know how important it is to place children, especially children with needs and issues, in good foster homes and to encourage their adoption. `

    Gay and Lesbian and, I suspect, single people are often willing to take in foster children or adopt kids with special needs or who are difficult or older, the ones who are most difficult to place.

    To limit the pool of foster and adopting parents in the name of religious bigotry is sinful. And there are all too few people willing to take on Foster kids and adopt those kids who are older or have issues.

    People who do offer to adopt or take in foster kids (regardless of their faith, marital status, or sexual orientation) are seldom doing it for the money, they do it for love and the desire to help. When we sing "For all the Saints" we ar singing about them.

    Make no mistake about it, there are children who will not get the love and support they need and deserve because of this law. Some may die, either through suicide or abuse, others will continue to be abused and neglected and often never reach their full potential.

    I have one thing to say to the voters of Arkansas - WWJD (What would Jesus do). I think I know the answer to that and it is NOT what the voters of Arkansas did!

    Thanks for listening to my rant...


  3. Discrimination grieves the heart of God. I'm so grateful that I live in a state where civil rights for lesbians and gays are part of our marriage laws. The work continues.


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