Sunday, April 19, 2009

Photos from the GLAAD Media Awards

So we had a GREAT time last night as +Gene's guests at the GLAAD Media Awards here in L.A. +Gene received the Stephen F. Kolzak Award for his work to raise visibility of LGBT-inclusive voices of faith -- and we had a ring-side seat for both celebrity gawking and connecting with great friends.

More later ...


  1. I'm so square, I don't know who most of those people are, except for the ones in clerical collars!

  2. Mostly L-Word, Desperate Housewives folks ... and Chad Allen (who's also a parishioner here at All Saints) and then Kathy "My Life on the D-List" Griffin.

    It was a hoot!

  3. Same here IT; I recognized Susan and Louise of course, Bp. Robinson, and Chad Allen (only because a friend of mine knows him). I have no idea who the others were, probably because I pretty much ignore t.v.

  4. Please set me straight... Bishop Gene Robinson showed up to accept an award from GLAAD because...

    1) He came to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those that don't know Him.

    2) He, like a good Episcopalian, doesnt watch TV either, and thought he was going to a Camp Stevens fundraiser.

    3) He is in agreement with the high profile blasphemers in the group and gladly accepted the award. (sadly attendee Kathy Griffin HATES Jesus and disses him often.)

  5. ... or 4):

    He came to accept an award honoring him for getting out into the media an antidote to the ignorant judgmental bigotry that so many think is a core Christian value because of what they've heard as "gospel" from the Religous Right.

    It was a GREAT night.

    Thanks for stopping by to share the joy!

  6. Chad Allen, I thought that face was familiar. I loved the series Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. I remember when he was outed by the pool party fotos. I am glad to know that he continues to enjoy a happy life!

    What a fun night.

  7. Oh my, Susan. At the same event as Kathy Griffin? There goes your reputation for sure! I'm sure you're aware that Jesus would never have been caught dead with the wrong sort.

    What's that? REally? Never mind.

    I'm so glad to hear that Chad Allen is hanging out with us Episcopalians. Every time I have heard him share regarding matters of faith, always eloquently, I have hoped that he had found an Episcopal faith home.

    David, be sure to get the DVD "Save Me", a film on which Chad was one of the producers. The film does a nice job of not falling into stereotypes as the characters wrestle with faith and sexuality reconciliation.


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