Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Lopez Sermon Goes Viral

I loved this email in my inbox this morning:

Even though I was unable to attend yesterday, my wife told me all about it when she came home. I was so moved, I went to the Church’s website to watch the video of Abel's sermon. I thought the entire sermon was beautiful, but his personal proclamation towards the end really drove it home …I became so filled with the spirit that I wrote an article about it that was picked by the editors to be on the cover (virtual cover that is) on Open Salon. A subsidiary of Salon.com

Check out the article here ...

And this YouTube excerpt -- posted on the site -- here:


  1. Wouldn't it be great if +Jon Bruno sent this video around to every parish and vicarage in this diocese in the form of a Pastoral Letter?

  2. Wow. This is VERY powerful! Thanks!

  3. Read your piece (hat tip to Susan Russell+) and thank you for writing it.

    At a time when the death of Dr. Tiller has cast such a terrible pall upon many of we Christians--including the Episcopalian penning this comment--perhaps those of us that truly believe in civil rights and equality for all will be spared the shadow of those who propose, commit or support such terrible actions rather supporting us in our efforts for justice.

    Thank you so much for writing this.

    For me, this has been a VERY distressing and emotional last seven days between the CA Supreme Court decision and the assassination of Dr. Tiller. Your moments of humor and clarity are helping me regain some sorely missed (and badly needed) balance.

    May The Peace Of The Lord Be With You.

  4. How profound! What a statement it would make if ALL clergy who support same-gender marriage would take a stand and NOT perform opposite-gender marriages either until such is recognized and all have equal access not just to the rites but to the legalities in each state. We can only pray that God the Disturber will continue to disturb our hearts and minds until we become unified and that God's Spirit will lead others to understand what the full inclusion of all the baptized really means. Come, Holy Spirit, Come!

  5. It was incredibly moving to hear Abel's sermon in person on Sunday.


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