Saturday, September 12, 2009

A bishop-elect for the Diocese of Georgia!

This just in:

The Rev Scott A. Benhase of St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, Washington D.C. has been elected as tenth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia on the second ballot of the electing convention held today in Dublin, Georgia.

Congratulations to the Diocese of Georgia, to the bishop-elect and to the good people of St. Alban's for raising up another new bishop for the Church of God!


  1. We are looking forward to welcoming the Rev. Benhase!

  2. He was elected on the second ballot, as well!

    That's unusual for us. Everyone had reconciled themselves to a loooong nighttime drive home!

    (As someone with significant Irish blood, I was rather pleased to hear our new bishop-elect had been chosen in Dublin).


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