Sunday, November 08, 2009

"The Anglican Church Welcomes You (some restrictions may apply)."

Great Letter-to-the-Editor in last week's Long Beach Press-Telegram, responding to an article about former Episcopalian Bill Thompson's elevation to Bishop in the ACNA.

Dear Editor

I always liked the signs near All Saints Church reading, "The Episcopal Church Welcomes You." Now that Bishop-elect William Thompson's church has left the Episcopal Church because of the national church's openness to gay and lesbian Christians, truth-in-advertising would require that All Saints replace the old signs with this: "The Anglican Church Welcomes You (some restrictions may apply)."

David Combs
Long Beach


  1. The world is a funny place, this could be said of a lot of churches.

    Hey just check out your local African American church, how many white people are there. Church may just sadly be ultimately a reflection of the world.

  2. In fairness, ACNA is not racist, they accept homophobes regardless of color.



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