Tuesday, November 17, 2009

News from "O Little Diocese of Bethlehem"

Yes, it's "good tidings of great joy" ... but not the baby-in-the-manger kind -- it's the blessing-same-sex-unions kind.

This just in on Episcopal Cafe:

The Rt. Rev. Paul Marshall has released the following guidelines for clergy and congregations wishing to move ahead with pastoral provision for same sex couples. The same guidelines apply for all couples coming for blessing (counseling, baptism, etc) - same sex or opposite sex. Those married or in civil unions from other states may use Blessing of a Civil Marriage. Pennsylvania couples are to use the rites prepared by the Diocese of Washington (DC).

November 16, 2009
To: Clergy of the Diocese of Bethlehem
From: Bishop Paul
Re: Pastoral Provision for Same-Sex Couples

In accordance with General Convention 2009 observation that that “the discernment of The Episcopal Church is that there are no theological barriers to blessing … same-sex relationships that are based on love, fidelity and lifelong commitment …” I offer the following interim measures, which you may bring to your parish or not, at your discretion.

As you know from our discussion at our Retreat, the General Convention, in addition to the words just quoted, empowered bishops to make “Generous Provision” regarding pastoral and liturgical ministry to same-sex couples. What follows are the pastoral provisions I feel able to make at this time, and I hope they may be seen as generous.

Read the details here ... and give thanks for Bishop Marshall and for ALL those working to make the full inclusion of all the baptized in all the sacraments not just a resolution but a reality!

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, Bishop Alexander of the Atlanta Diocese continues to "ride the fence" and do nothing.


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