Because, you see, the real victims here are not the gay and lesbian families who are denied equal access to the equal protection of 1138 federal rights that marriage grants their separate-but-unequally-advantaged heterosexual next-door neighbors.
Nope. The real victims here -- according to the arguments being made in Federal Court in San Francisco -- are the Yes on 8 supporters who were unfairly targeted for vandalism and harassment for their position on marriage equality.
NO, Susan, it doesn't.
ReplyDeleteThe violence we endured...mean words, petty vandalism, is nothing compared to them.
Our dead are nothing compared to their....hurt feelings.
They have the audacity to compare themselves to the freedom riders in the Civil Rights era, and us to the KKK.
In this topsy turvy world, we are not worthy of respect and equality. And I will bet you, after the dust settles and when this ends upat SCOTUS, the gang of five who today decided that Government is for sale to the highest corporate bidder, will sell the GLBT as well.