Monday, February 08, 2010

The Prop 8 debate continues: "But what about the CHILDREN?"

Good question. Here's an answer ... from the American Academy of Pediatrics:

In order to protect and promote the best interests of the child, the AAP-CA supports equal access for all California children to the legal, financial and emotional protections of civil marriage for their parents, without discrimination based on family structure
Yesterday the American Academy of Pediatrics, California District IX (AAP-CA) joined in filing an amicus curae (friend of the court) brief in federal court in the case of Kristin M. Perry, et al and the City and County of San Francisco v. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Prop 8 Official Proponents, et al. We support the plaintiffs in their assertion that prohibiting same-sex marriage in California is discriminatory.

The interest of the AAP-CA in this case, and in the support of nondiscriminatory marriage more generally, relates exclusively to the interests of children consistent with the AAP-CA policy. Specifically, the statement regarding the AAP-CA in the court brief reads as follows:

The California District of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP-CA), representing the over 5,000 board-certified pediatrician members of the four California AAP regional Chapters, has as its mission to attain optimal physical, mental, and social health and well being for all infants, children, adolescents and young adults living in California.

The AAP-CA believes that the physical growth, development, social and mental well-being of all children are supported by allowing parents a full range of parental legal rights, such as Social Security survivor benefits, health benefits for dependent children, and legally recognized consent for education and medical decisions.

In order to protect and promote the best interests of the child, the AAP-CA supports equal access for all California children to the legal, financial and emotional protections of civil marriage for their parents, without discrimination based on family structure. In light of its focus on children's health issues, the AAP-CA lends its explicit support only to Section III of the attached brief, entitled "Depriving Same-Sex Couples of the Ability to Marry Has Adverse Effects on Their Children."

Please note that AAP-CA respects the rights of individual pediatricians to hold different views on marriage based on their personal religious or cultural beliefs. However, as the matter of who may marry in the eyes of the state potentially brings with it access to health care, to survivor benefits, to adoption rights and more, AAP-CA finds state prohibition of same-sex marriage potentially harmful to the health and well-being of California's children.

If you have questions, comments, or would like to see the full brief, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Won't you join with me and click here to send a note of thanks to the AAP-CA for speaking out to protect our children -- ALL our children! You know they'll be hearing from "the other side" ... let's make sure they hear from us as well!

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