Friday, March 12, 2010

What the bishops will be up to at the upcoming House of Bishops meeting

Per a recent release from TEC's Office of Public Affairs, here's an overview of what our bishops will be up to at the House of Bishops Meeting March 19-25:

"Well-known authors and lecturers Diana Butler-Bass and Phyllis Tickle along with others will lead discussions about the fast-growing Emergent Church movement. Other discussions will focus on the groundbreaking Around One Table report and the Anglican Covenant.

The Theology Committee will present a study entitled "Same Sex Relationships in the Life of the Church." Commissioned in 2008 and authored by a diverse group of eight theologians to present a wide spectrum of views, the representative panel will present the study which includes two major papers, each representing diverse views, along with a response to each paper by the other group. The bishops will discuss the entire study during the gathering; following their discussion and review, it will be available online and will be used as a resource for the Church.

"This is not a position paper, but is an educational piece as part of the Windsor Process," Bishop Henry Parsley, chair of the Theology Committee, said. "It is a contribution to the discussion happening throughout the Anglican Communion."


  1. Wasn't there a whole process of discussion on human sexuality in the 1990s? with materials put together out of the national church, and encouraged to be discussed in parishes? I thought I remembered that ...

  2. And I thought I remembered that the "secret panel" of the HOB Theology Committee was supposed to launch its "secret paper" next year.

    If there is a connection between the paper's early release and the fact that the progress of the Glasspool consent process in the HOB has not yet been released . . .well, that's not so secret now, is it?

  3. I don't have any sources in front of me but I'm thinking this is actually about when they were set to "unveil" their work ... I don't think it's a change in schedule.

    As for the HOB consents, 815 never releases "progress" ... just conclusions ... in episcopal consent processes.

    (This is me, staying tuned! :)


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