Tuesday, May 11, 2010


From the "Faith for Justice" website: A few weeks ago Glenn Beck threw down the gauntlet regarding Christianity and social justice. When news of Beck’s incendiary comments broke, my colleagues and I across the religious spectrum couldn’t believe what we were hearing. In the weeks that followed everyone was talking about how to respond.

I met with a couple of filmmakers at the church I serve and together we decided to create two or three Public Service Announcements with the aim of creating a civil conversation out of the cultural moment created by Glenn Beck’s unfortunate comments. Our goal is to help people understand what social justice is and its place at the center of our faith.

So here's the just-released-today Interfaith Faces of Faith for Justice -- help us make this You Tube video "go viral" ... watch and then forward the link posted below!

Ready, Set, GO!



  1. Let the people say Amen!

    Cry justice to power or give up the idea that you are a Christian. It is a simple test.


  2. Thanks for this! Will help it go viral amongst us Mos.


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FINALLY: If you comment, your words are yours to do with as you please, but I reserve the right to cite them in other contexts.