Saturday, June 12, 2010

Postcard from Dijon

Just a quick post of the view from our hotel window in Dijon. Tout à fait charmants. Although there's been pretty consistently good wifi on the first week of our trip, there have been better things to do than blog, so here's just a quck check in before I get back in vacation mode:
  • Birthday blessings to Bishop Barbara Harris who celebrates her 80th birthday today.
  • Ordination blessings to those being ordained as deacons in the Diocese of Los Angeles today -- including friend Michael Bell ... Lambeth Conference and GC2009 organizer extraordinaire
  • Happy PRIDE weekend to everyone in the Diocese of L.A. -- especially to those who will be "Marching with +Mary" down Santa Monica Blvd. tomorrow!
  • Bravo Brazil for the statement today of solidarity with TEC & Canada
  • And finally, if you haven't yet joined The Anglican Resistance Movement group on Facebook check it out and sign up to be part of a growing cloud of witnesses to an Anglican Communion defined by historical Anglican comprehensiveness rather than hysterical Anglican politics.

Au revoir pour l'instant!


  1. So, you gotta promise to post a snap of "proud +Mary" - when you get them, of course.

  2. Jeff ... try!/group.php?gid=133418293340666&ref=ts

    Elizabeth ... keep your eye on ... where Jim White is promising to post photos from the weekend!


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