From the TODAY Show statement:
Over the past few days TODAY has received a considerable response regarding our wedding contest application. The rules stated that eligible couples must be able to be legally married in New York, where we will host the wedding, therefore excluding same-sex couple applicants. Our intent was not to be discriminatory or exclusive. In 2005 when the wedding took place outside of New York, the application process was open to same-sex couples. We have listened to every voicemail and read every email. We take this feedback seriously, and we will change our application process. TODAY is a longtime supporter of the LGBT community, and GLAAD considers us an ally. We are committed to keeping those relationships strong and positive. We have opened up the application process to same-sex couples, and will extend the deadline to Monday, July 12. Moving forward, we ensure that our future wedding contests will be inclusive of all couples.
I happen now to be on AFA's mailing list for such "crises," the method by which I achieved this now escapes me. Could've been that third martini. They sent me an email with all the gears and levers to e-mail the TODAY show and express their outrage. So I did, replacing most of their suggested text with my own artfully crafted prose. Sinfully easy way to counter their hate spill. I don't think they've caught on, 'cause I got another email from them yesterday.