Friday, August 27, 2010

Prayers for Janie & for Justice

Today is the day the verdict comes in.

Janie Spahr -- a retired Presbyterian minister and tireless advocate for LGBT equality -- was brought up on charges for marrying same sex couples back in those halcyon days of yesterday (May-November 2008) when liberty and justice for all really meant ALL here in California. (At least when it comes to marriage equality!)

Anyway, the trial has been in progress. The arguments have been made. I'm hoping to post here the closing arguments -- which I understand were brilliant -- but in the meantime:

Here's an overview of the case from Religion Dispatches

And stay tuned. We understand the "verdict" is due in at 11:00 a.m. PDT ... so in the meantime prayers for Janie and for Justice are totally in order!

1 comment:

  1. Sadly found her guilty but will rebuke but not suspend her from ministerial duties.


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