Friday, February 11, 2011

"Dialogues in Law & Religion: The Future of Gay Marriage" @ Vanderbilt

And a good time was had by all! More later on what an honor it was to share a program with Lambda Legal's Jon Davidson and how thrilled I was that long-time friends Lori & Bruce were there to be part of the day. Pepperdine Law grads and Sewanee Seminary students they're "dialogues of law & religion" incarnate! Here are some photos ... more reflections to come!


  1. Susan,

    Could you PLEASE tell the conference organizers that LGBTs aren't interested in "Gay Marriage"? But simply Good Ol' marriage, now EQUALLY open to us?


  2. Yep, Yep, Yep. Jon Davidson actually made that point very well in his overview when he noted one of the cases moving marriage equality forward in CA was entitled "in re: marriage cases" ... not "in re: gay marriage cases."

    They're supposed to be posting up video from the event so I'll share the link when it goes up.


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