Saturday, February 26, 2011

This is the day that the Lord has made ...

... let us rejoice and be glad in it!

It isn't a day that looks like days usually do around here ... what with the snow on the foothills and all ... and the thermometer creeping UP to 40 degrees ... but it's the day that the Lord has made so let's rejoice!

Rejoice with the All Saints Vestry & Staff who are half-way through an extrarordinarily challenging, fruitful and exciting vestry retreat with great speakers and tremendous energy for mission.

Rejoice in the new "Guibord Center Religion Inside Out" -- a groundbreaking interfaith project
launching today in Los Angeles.

Rejoice with our friend Jeff Martinhauk who is preparing for ordination to the diaconate next month and rejoice with everyone coming up around him in planning that celebratory milestone in his journey.

And rejoice with IT and her wife who will have their marriage blessed today at St. Paul's Cathedral in San Diego. Rejoice with that cathedral congregation as they witness their vows and participate in that blessing, rejoice in Scott and Allisyn as they preach and preside and rejoice in the sacrament that is the outward and visible sign of God's inward an spiritual grace for all.

And again I say: REJOICE!


  1. Rejoicing!

    Mazel Tov to the newly-ordained/blessed! :-D

  2. Many thanks....

  3. JCF & IT ... Amen

    LG ... not playing today. Sorry, girlfriend.


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