Thursday, June 16, 2011

Good News from New Westminster!

BREAKING NEWS: The Canadian Supreme Court declined the appeal from the breakaway churches. The Anglican Church gets back all its properties and the Schsmatics are out. (h/t Diana Butler Bass)

There's an article in the Vancouver Sun which begins:
VANCOUVER - The Anglican Church Bishop of New Westminster expressed relief today that the Supreme Court of Canada refused leave to appeal a B.C. trial court ruling.

The decision by the nation's top court means the trial ruling will stand, putting an end to a dispute launched by a group of dissidents who split from the Anglican Church of Canada over same-sex marriage blessings
Read the rest here. There's also a link to the Statement from long-time friend and ally Bishop Michael Ingham ... pictured here in 2004 with me and Michael Hopkins at the "Half Way to Lambeth Conference" in Manchester UK. (A lot of water under the Anglican bridege since THAT photo was taken!)

Bishop Ingham's statement includes:
The money, time, and energy taken up by this long and unnecessary conflict can now be directed back to the real work of the Church.

We are, and continue to be, respectful of genuine differences of conviction among faithful Christians. In a spirit of mutual respect, it is now time to move forward together.

No member of any congregation in this Diocese need leave the buildings in which they worship. However, the clergy who have left the Anglican Church of Canada must now leave their pulpits. I will work with these congregations to find suitable and mutually acceptable leaders, so that the mission of the Church may continue in these places.

I pray that in time these sad divisions may be healed.
Let the people say "AMEN!"

(And from the Canadian Court's mouth to the California Court's ears ... may we here in the Diocese of Los Angeles likewise be liberated from legal wranglings and freed to get on with the work and witness of the Church!)


  1. Here is how we did it in Ottawa (news release of February 13):

    Diocese reaches agreement with ANiC leaders at St Alban’s and St

    After months of negotiations, the Diocese of Ottawa has reached an
    agreement with the leaders of two congregations that have left the
    Anglican Church of Canada. The agreement was approved by Diocesan
    Council on January 16 and by the two congregations at special vestries.

    In 2008, clergy and congregations in the historic churches of St.
    Alban’s and St. George’s in downtown Ottawa voted to join the
    Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) because of their opposition to the
    direction the Diocese and national church were taking, especially in
    regard to the blessing of same-sex civil unions.

    Under the agreement, which follows a three-year dispute:

    The Diocese will disestablish the parish of St. George’s and sell the
    property to the ANiC congregation for a substantial sum of money. The
    property will be renamed once the sale is completed by March 1.
    At St. Alban the Martyr, the ANiC clergy will leave by July 1, with
    the understanding that members of the congregation are welcome to
    stay and become part of a renewed parish with Diocese of Ottawa clergy.

    Bishop John Chapman says he is very grateful that this agreement has
    been accomplished without the need and expense of a trial. “We worked
    together in good faith, mindful that the people of God deserve
    nothing less.” In that spirit, he points out that the two ANiC
    congregations and their clergy were able to have use of the
    properties pending a settlement.

    “We now look forward to renewing our ministry at St. Alban’s and
    investing the money received from the sale of St. George’s in new
    ministry elsewhere in the Diocese,” he adds.

    The second oldest Anglican parish in the city, St. Alban’s, on King
    Edward Avenue, was established in 1865. Canada’s first prime minister
    and his wife, Sir John A. and Lady Macdonald, and six members of the
    cabinet were parishioners during the 1870s.

    Between 1976 and 2000, the church was also home to Anglican Social
    Services - Centre 454. For 56 years, the Centre has provided a
    supportive community for people who are homeless or at risk of
    homelessness. As an integral part of renewing its ministry at St
    Alban’s, the Diocese intends for Centre 454, currently in a leased
    downtown location, to return home.

    The parish of St. George’s began in 1885 with the purchase of the
    Methodist Episcopal Church on Metcalfe Street, and among its early
    parishioners was Sir Charles Tupper, who later became prime minister.

    The Diocese of Ottawa, established in 1896, is part of the Anglican
    Church of Canada, which is recognized by the Archbishop of Canterbury
    as a member of the Anglican Communion, the world’s third largest
    Christian denomination.


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