Friday, July 01, 2011

"When Kathy Griffin Met Michele Bachmann"

I'll admit it right up front -- I am a big old Kathy Griffin fan. Yes, I know she's a little raunchy sometimes and has crossed the line a few times in terms of respecting the dignity of every human being but she still cracks me up and she's a VALIANT ally in the fight for LGBT equality.

So here's Kathy at her best ... in a spot subtitled: Kathy Griffin asks Michele Bachmann if she was born a bigot; Bachmann says, ‘Good question’


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOOOVE! Kathy Griffin. I think she is amazingly funny and deeply committed.

    The more I get to know Michele Bachmann, the more I think Sarah Palin might not be so bad. In fact the thought of Mitt Romney as the alternative to Mr. Obama sounds down right comforting!

    OK, I am likely to be an Obama voter, but I like to think the opponent is at least in possession of their right mind! Michele not so much.

    Maybe we should push the idea she was born in Canada?



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