Saturday, February 11, 2012

Dean Katherine Ragsdale "Stands Firm" on Fox News ...

... yes, I said FOX NEWS ... in this segment on the White House compromise on contraception insurance. Now the Dean of Episcopal Divinity School I've known Katherine since she was a deacon-in-waiting many years ago ... and what a privilege to count her a friend, colleague and sister in the struggle.

If you ever want to point to an Exhibit A of how to stay on message with grace, confidence and clarity in the face of a REALLY obnoxious interviewer, then bookmark this one for future reference. Brava, Katherine!


  1. Oh, *nicely* done!

  2. Katherine gets an A+ on this interview.

  3. "imprimatur" what an elitist that Laura is...

  4. I don't know that I would go on Fox like that. She handled herself, though!


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