Monday, April 30, 2012

Good News for RCRC and for Harry Knox!

This just in from Integrity ... good news for Women's Reproductive Rights AND good news for my friend Harry Knox!

Integrity is proud to announce that our interim Executive Director, Harry Knox, has been appointed President and CEO of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.

“We are delighted both for Harry and for RCRC,” said Caroline Hall, President of Integrity, “while of course, being sorry that we will not benefit from his expertise and leadership for longer. When we hired Harry for this interim position, we knew that he was in discernment, seeking another permanent position commensurate with his abilities and experience and that his time with Integrity would be limited. We are grateful for all he has done for us and for the work that he continues to do as he completes his recommendations for Integrity’s next steps and helps us prepare for our General Convention presence.

As marriage equality is gaining strength so reproductive rights are increasingly under attack. The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice provides an excellent platform for Harry’s extraordinary gifts as it meshes his passion for women’s rights with the opportunity to articulate an alternative faith voice to the dominant right-wing outlook.”

"It is an honor and a privilege to be Integrity USA's Interim Executive Director, said Knox. “Integrity is at the forefront of faith in action. I am deeply grateful to have worked with an organization that has been such an effective witness and gracious presence for the LGBT community in the Church and the world."

Integrity will continue to benefit from Harry’s  gifts during this time of transition as we prepare for and look beyond General Convention -- working with the board and staff to ensure that Integrity has a powerful presence in Indianapolis and is positioned to go from strength to strength as we continue to work in the dioceses to make All mean All.

Click here to read the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice's press release about Harry

For more information contact:
Louise Brooks
Director of Communications
Integrity USA

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