Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Two Sources for Celebration in the last 24 Hours

The first one is this amazing video of the response Fred Phelps' "Westboro Baptist Church" protesters got when they showed up at Santa Monica High School on Monday morning to protest the school's GSA (Gay/Straight Alliance). Seriously ... give yourself the gift of two minutes of awesome witness to equality:

The second one I'm filing this under "it's never the wrong time to do the right thing" ... and that's the "breaking news" that a whole bunch of prominent Republicans -- including California's Meg Whitman who RAN on a "Yes on 8" platform -- have signed onto a friend of the court ("amicus") brief in the upcoming Supreme Court marriage equality case ... as reported by NBC News:

Once 'inconceivable,' Republican leaders sign pro-gay marriage brief
Supporters of same-sex marriage hope for a boost this week when dozens of high-profile Republicans, many no longer in office, submit their legal argument to the Supreme Court on why gays and lesbians should be allowed to wed, bucking their party's platform. In a move described by one scholar as “inconceivable” just two years ago, more than 80 Republicans have signed the brief to be filed in the case of Proposition 8, a California law banning same-sex marriage, according to the American Foundation for Equal Rights, which is waging the legal battle against the law. The nation’s high court will hear arguments in the case in late March.
Read the rest here.

Seriously. Not bad for a 24 hour news cycle!

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