Monday, June 24, 2013

Because you can't make this stuff up ...

... and with thanks to Katie Sherrod for the "share."

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a listener to Sean Hannity or any of his ilk. I agree with the comments he makes on the right hand side - but I thought they were true back when Pres. Bush was President as well.

    Part of the problem here, I think, is that people base their opinion of these things on the basis of whether or not they trust the person in charge. I suspect Mr. Hannity trusted Pres. Bush so he thought it was O.K. then. But he doesn't trust Pres. Obama, so now it's unconstitutional.

    You're right in calling him out as a hack. Unless he can find a difference in the way that the two gathered and used information - and makes it public - then he should treat them equally. I personally don't trust anyone with that information.


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