Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tick Tock SCOTUS: Diocese of L.A. is Getting Ready!

Decision Day is Coming

and We're Ready with  

a Liturgical Event  

at St. John's Cathedral  



the Day of the Decision    

As we move further into June, every day is a day closer to the long-awaited Supreme Court decisions on the pending marriage equality cases: Perry v Schwarzenegger (Prop 8) and Windsor v United States (DOMA).

To either get you or keep you in the loop, here is a summary of what we know -- and where to find out more -- from AFER (American Foundation for Equality Rights) and from GLEAM/LA (the Program Group on LGBT Ministry for the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.)

The next opportunity for the Supreme Court to rule on Prop 8 is THURSDAY, June 20.  Below is a summary of all the potential dates that the decision can come down. 

Potential dates of SCOTUS ruling

*    Thursday        June 20th
*    Monday          June 24th
*    Thursday*      June 27th  (Not confirmed)

*Date not yet on the Court's calendar, but we should be prepared for it to be added

The Court gives no advance notice on which rulings will be released when - and rulings are posted at 10am (EDT) ... so for So Cal folks that's 7am. AFER will be organizing a "Day of Decision" event at 5:30pm on "the day" - whenever that turns out to be - at the corner of San Vicente and Santa Monica Blvd. in West Hollywood.

Here are the links to AFER's everything you need to know, the Facebook Event Page, Twitter handle, and a new graphic of potential outcomes.   

- The Twitter Conversation: #Marriage4All

MEANWHILE, the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles is planning to mark Decision Day 2013 with a liturgical celebration the evening FOLLOWING the decision (i.e., the next day) - at 7pm at St. John's Cathedral at 514 W Adams Blvd. (near the corner of Figueroa), Los Angeles 90007.

Potential Dates for Liturgical Event:

*          Friday, June 21
*          Tuesday, June 25
*          Friday, June 28

Plans are still evolving for the liturgy but this is a "heads up" that as soon as we have a decision the call will go out for this opportunity to gather as people of God and celebrate our ongoing journey toward that full equality for each and every member of God's beloved human family.    

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