September 1,
2013 | All Saints Church, 1pm Service
Lord of all
power and might, the author and giver of all good things: Graft in our
hearts the love
of your Name; increase in us true religion; nourish us with all
goodness; and
bring forth in us the fruit of good works; through Jesus Christ our
Lord, who lives
and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and
ever. AMEN.
That is the
“Collect of the Day” –
the prayer
which began our worship this morning
as it does
every Sunday with words
intended to
summarize the themes of the lessons
appointed for
this particular day.
“True Religion” –
that’s what we
just prayed for God to increase in us.
And this
morning I am convinced that true religion
is a whole lot
easier to pray for
than it is
either to recognize or to agree on.
Here’s a
I spent a
number years
suffering from
what I can only describe as a “religion allergy.”
That is maybe a
weird admission from a priest,
but when I was
a young adult
I spent a lot of
explaining to
that I didn’t
need religion in order to be spiritual.
I also spent a
lot time avoiding attending the church I grew up in
which was so
full of rules and rituals,
do’s and
don’ts, judgment, criticism
and cranky old
people talking about the love of God and being mean to each other that there
seemed to be no actual room for GOD –
which I was
naïve enough to think
was supposed to
be the POINT of this whole thing in the first place!
It got to the
where religion became
a roadblock in my spiritual journey –
and so I took a
And because the
Lord works in mysterious ways,
my detour led
me back not only to the Episcopal Church of my birth
but to altar
and pulpit, to Word and Sacrament –
and to All
Saints Church!
I looked up the
word “religion” in the dictionary and here’s what I found:
it turns out to
have the same root as the word “ligament” –
that which
“binds together” –
and one of its definitions
“that which
binds together people in their quest for the divine.”
Not “that which
insists that our way is the only way.”
Not “that which
gives people license to villainize, exclude and even kill in God’s name.”
Not “that which
creates enough rules and restrictions that everybody you disagree with has to
stay out.”
No – the
definition is:
“That which
binds together people in their quest for the divine.”
And if that’s
true religion then that’s something I’m willing to pray for.
To work for.
Because it
turns out the allergy I had wasn’t to “religion” at all –
but to what it
had become in the hands of those
who had taken
what God intended as a means to draw all people TO God
and turned it
into a system to hold everyone they found unacceptable
AWAY from God.
And it turns
out the allergy I had was the same one Jesus had –
and acted on –
throughout the
whenever he was
confronted by the rule makers,
gate keepers
and power brokers of his generation.
People like the
synagogue leader last week
who complained
that Jesus had healed a woman on the Sabbath –
like the
Pharisees who gossiped
about his
eating with tax collectors, sinners and outcasts –
and dozens of
other examples all throughout the Bible.
“And what is
the commandment of God?”
they will later
ask –
in other words
“what IS “true religion?”
And Jesus will
tell them:
Love the Lord
your God with all your heart, soul and mind – this is the first and greatest
commandment. And the second is like unto it –love your neighbor as yourself. On
these two hang ALL the law and the prophets.
There you have
it: the essence of true religion –
that which
binds us together in our search for the divine –
turns out to be
love for God
and for each other.
that we manage to create –
even our most
beloved rituals,
most comforting
most cleverly
designed systems –
can become
religious roadblocks if they themselves
become more
important to us that this walk in love,
this quest for
the divine –
this journey to
We risk
abandoning the commandment of God and holding onto human tradition whenever we
create a litmus test for inclusion that is based on anything other than these
first and second commandments that our Lord calls us to honor above all others.
The “True
Religion” we inherit
equips us to be
the Body of Christ –
the hands and
feet of Jesus
in a world in
such desperate need of his healing and his love –
for as St.
Teresa’s Prayer reminds us,
Christ has no body
now but ours.
Christ has no
body now but yours,
No hands, no
feet on earth but yours
Yours are the
eyes with which he looks compassion on this world
Yours are the
feet with which he walks to do good
Yours are the
hands with which he blesses all the world
You are his
hands, you are his feet, you are his eyes, you are his Body
Christ has no
body now on earth but yours.
If we are
indeed to be that Body of Christ in the World
we need ligaments of love
which will be
limber enough to stretch
and include all
who seek a place to be received joyously,
all who desire
the food we offer as strength for the journey,
all who wish to
be bound together in a community of faith
as we journey
together in our quest for the divine.
Today we Claim
the Blessing of True Religion
as the gift God
has given us
to enable us to
do the work God has given us to do –
binding us
together as we work to become a place of radical hospitality –
where all are
received joyously:
even those we
disagree with,
even those who
wish we weren’t here;
even those who
would prefer
we would keep
someone else out.
In a moment we
will gather around this altar
and receive the
holy food and drink
which will give
us strength for this journey –
courage for this
work –
vision for the
a future
wonderfully described in these words I leave you with this morning – words of a
21st century saint of the church: Dr. Louie Crew:
“I pray that we
can unite in loving one another as much as God does, so that we can
get on with the mission of loving the world.”
That’s the
blessing we claim.
That’s the True
Religion we celebrate – this day and always.
Thanks be to God.
Alleluia. Amen
But your version is as boring and time-consuming and expensive as the other kinds, so why bother?
ReplyDeleteWhy not just sleep in on Sundays?
Gosh, thanks for stopping by, George!
ReplyDeleteI guess my short answer is 1200+ people stop by on Sunday morning here every week because it's not boring, it's worth their time and they like being able to support the work of making God's love tangible 24/7 with their resources.
That's why I bother.
If you'd rather sleep in, party on. If not, try tuning in some Sunday morning at 11:15 when we're streaming the service ...