Sunday, January 26, 2014

Bits and Pieces from Sabbatical Central

So much richness, gratitude and wonder woven into the last few days.

I finished reading my preview copy of Jay Johnson's new book "Peculiar Faith" and sent this "blurb" off to the publisher:
Jay Johnson’s “Peculiar Faith” finds in the history of Christian faith the keys to revitalizing the future of Christian faith. Exploring the very traditions that have so often been deployed to alienate and disenfranchise “the other” – particularly LGBT people – Johnson inspires the reader to reclaim the transformative power of Christian witness to meet the challenges of the 21st century. His vision of Christian faith that “inspires the hope of at long last being at home in our bodies, at home among others, and at home with God all at the same time” offers good news to a church striving to re-imagine Christianity in an multicultural context. And in calling the 21st century church to embrace the changes and challenges of owning its “peculiar faith” he returns us to the work and witness of the 1st century radical rabbi from Nazareth -- and the God who loved us enough to become one of us in order to show us how to love one another.
You should totally read it. (pre-order here)

We're working down our "see before the Oscars" Movie Bucket List and saw "Nebraska" on Friday and "Dallas Buyers Club" on Saturday. The first was funny, sad, tender, raw, real and quite brilliant. And the second was heartbreakingly brilliant with performances by Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto that haunt.

Saturday I had the privilege of presiding at the Bloy House Eucharist ... a first for me and lovely to be back on the Claremont campus in Kresge Chapel with a new crop of Bloy House Students -- and the same old echo. (Worst acoustics in the history of church. Seriously!)

Sunday we treated ourselves to a day at the Getty Center with "Treasures of Canterbury and St. Albans" -- viewing stained glass from Canterbury Cathedral and the illuminations from the St. Alban's Psalter and brunch at the Getty Restaurant. The museum visit was followed by a performance of "Haram" ... a play based on the poetry of Dr. Maher Hathout.

In his 90's and suffering now with cancer, Dr. Hathout was there for the Q&A following the play -- wearing the prayer shawl from All Saints Church. "I'm wearing your shawl," he said, with a twinkle in his eye. "When I saw you I was afraid you were here to take it back!"

So grateful for the vision of a world of peace, justice and compassion he continues to inspire ... and for a boatload of blessings this week.

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