Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Crew Responds to Cantuar

Re: Church must be safe for gays, Archbishop Williams says
from Louie Crew's blog du jour

Exxon and many of the other biggest polluters of the environment routinely pay huge advertisement fees to tell us on the evening news about how carefully they protect the environment.

Ask Jeffrey John how safe the church is for gays under Archbishop Williams' archepiscopric. Ask +Gene Robinson.

Or go to a town where you are not known and introduce yourself as LGBT to the local Anglican leadership. Move among them for a week incognitoand then ask yourself how safe Anglican space is. LGBT Anglicans have taken to the bank Lambeth's promise to dialogue dozens of times only to have the cheque bounce leaving us to pay -- some with unemployment, all with increased stigma -- the fee for the Communion's insufficient commitment to its promises.

Look at the price the Anglicans in Nigeria are asking LGBTs to pay in the church's vociferous support of fierce criminal penalties even for those whoadvocate on our behalf. Believe the Archbishop of Canterebury this time only when local LGBT Anglicans are heard with respect and kindness by Anglicans in Abuja, Kigalie, Kampala, Buenos Aires, Pershawar, Nairobe, Kitwe, Dhaka, Kinshasa, Antananarivo, Nicosia ...

The Archbishop of Canterbury himself has steadfastly refused to meet with lesbian and gay leadership in The Episcopal Church, against whom the primates have led major charges naming us anathema. Perhaps the Archbishop's promises this time will not be cheap windowdressing.

We live in hope.

Louie Crew, Ph.D., D.D., D.D., D.H.L.Founder of IntegrityChair of the Newark deputation to General Convention


  1. No sane person favours schism. But, I no longer live in hope were either ABp Williams, or ABp Akinola are concerned. One hates the other cowers, it is hard to say which is less credible.

    Part of ABp. Nevile's problem is clearly leftist anti-Americanism. He gets a report on the "listening process" in which Nigeria advocates making it a violation of law for me to have a glass of tea with Louie, even though I am straight and blames, "western" societies. I know I have said it before but it bears repeating -- he does not have a problem with American liberals, he does not have a problem with American gays, he has a problem with Americans period.



  2. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Susan, thank your for turning me on to this wonderful man, Louie Crew, Ph.D., D.D., D.D., D.H.L.Founder of IntegrityChair of the Newark deputation to General Convention. I too live in Hope, two wrongs don't make a right and you can not fight fire with fire. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan seems to love us from a distance, straddling the fence, wishy washy, but we can not and must not give up.


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