Wednesday, March 28, 2007

+Jim Kelsey Reports on the House of Bishops' Meeting

Reports and reflections abound as bishops weigh in on last week's meeting of the House of Bishops in Texas. I had it in mind to put a page together with links to all of them floating out there in cyberspace but the details of parish life and Holy Week Hovering on the Horizon kind of bumped that off my "to do" list.

So if anyone else has done so and someone wants to point me to it that would be grand ... but in the meantime DO check out these reflections from +Jim Kelsey (Northern Michigan) which offer the best "play by play" account of this important meeting, with this conclusion:

In my opinion, what finally passed is a strong statement about who we are and where we are prepared to stand. We do intend to continue relationships with Anglicans world-wide, in whatever official or unofficial capacity might be possible. We have no idea how the Primates or the ACC will respond ... Now it is time to move ahead with God's work of redemption. Hopefully it will be in partnership with others throughout the Anglican Communion. The extent to which others are ready to keep in partnership with us has yet to be seen - - but that we are prepared to step out in faith and with courage and determination to celebrate God's liberating work in our midst and in the world, have no doubt.


  1. Here are all the bishops' notes as they come in:
    Click HERE

  2. Susan - I know this is a little of topic but it was reported on Stand Firm that one factor in the Diocese of Colorado bringing charges against Rev. Armstrong is that the Diocese Chancellor is gay, and possibly a member of Integrity.

    To quote: "The Diocesan Chancellor in Colorado is in a committed
    relationship with his partner and Integrity advocate, ...."

  3. c.b. ... "a LITTLE off-topic?" That's going on my list of nominees for the understatement of the year awards!

    The embezzlement of what looks to be hundreds of thousands of dollars by an erstwhile rector in Colorado has absolutely nothing to do with ANYBODY'S sexual orientation ... including his own.

    It has to do with taking things that don't belong to you. And that is COMPLETELY off the topic of Jim Kelsey's report from the House of Bishops.

  4. Susan, at the risk of shameless self-promotion, I would also point you to the postings we're putting up at The Episcopal Majority. As Ann notes, Telling Beads is posting the URLs lickety-split -- better than any other site I've seen. At TEM, we're posting more excerpts ... and definitely more slowly.

  5. Susan - Forgive me - I was trying to demonstrate the length "reasserter" go to avoid dealing with facts and trying to scapegoat the LGBT community, to the point of making up facts. It is well known that the Chancellor is Larry Hitt and is married to a woman. I might add the Jim Kelsey is taking quite a hit, as well. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


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