... and I went off for a trip to the blogs.
She'll be back shortly with all kinds of goodies ... here's one of the goodies I found.
As noted yesterday in my post-nap-musings the folks calling themselves the "Global South Steering Committee" issued another saber rattling missive entitled "This is a critical time." (Another variation on "the sky is falling, it really is, I'm not kidding, it's totally coming down any minute, honest-to-Pete, I don't know why you aren't running for cover like I am" theme.)
The Episcopal News Service (ENS) promptly issued a piece reminding everybody that [a] this was just more of the same and [b] let's not forget that these folks calling for "compliance" aren't even complying with their own list of demands. "Global South Primates vow to continue violating Episcopal Church boundaries" was the title of the piece and it is well worth a read.
So that was yesterday. Today, Kendall Harmon (ubiquitous blogger of amazingly prolific titusonenine fame) took umbrage with the ENS piece and offered his own perspective ... "Episcopal News Service tries to Counterspin the Global South Steering Committee Statement." Not exactly surprising, but one comment caught my eye ...
Comment #11. "... I believe in your headline you meant to write “spin” not “counterspin”. Because, otherwise, it is the GS steering committee that is spinning to begin with."
Bingo. Amen. Give that man the brass ring!
Thus inspired, I ventured into titusonenine commentland ... which I never do unadvisedly or lightly ... and offered the following:
Comment #13 "(For #11) ... No, I think Kendall hit it spot-on—and Mainstream Episcopalians are saying “Glory, Hallelujah!” that ENS and the Nat’l Church office is finally getting on the ball and countering the “spin” we’ve been getting from schismatics and the GS bunch for lo these many years. Bravo/a 815, Mary Frances, Jan Nunley et al ...
And Kendall, of course, is absolutely right as well that “Nothing this side of glory is inevitable if God is in charge.” Even the coming of this long desired schism is not inevitable if those insisting on capitulation and compliance to their worldview and hermeneutic would put down the sabers and take up instead the traditional value of Anglican comprehensiveness.
And Kendall, of course, is absolutely right as well that “Nothing this side of glory is inevitable if God is in charge.” Even the coming of this long desired schism is not inevitable if those insisting on capitulation and compliance to their worldview and hermeneutic would put down the sabers and take up instead the traditional value of Anglican comprehensiveness.
One does indeed do “...the right thing because one is called to do the right thing.” And choosing communion with those with whom one disagrees, for all its messiness and challenge, seems to me the right thing ... the better portion ... in contrast to choosing the dogged insistence on conformity displayed in this latest GS missive. Hard to imagine that will ever change? Remember ... “Nothing this side of glory is inevitable if God is in charge.”
One does indeed do “...the right thing because one is called to do the right thing.” And choosing communion with those with whom one disagrees, for all its messiness and challenge, seems to me the right thing ... the better portion ... in contrast to choosing the dogged insistence on conformity displayed in this latest GS missive. Hard to imagine that will ever change? Remember ... “Nothing this side of glory is inevitable if God is in charge.”
And now, as it will shortly be time to put away the melons, corn, sunflowers and basil from the Saturday morning trip to the Farmer's Market, here endeth the Saturday morning trip to Blogland!
The best way to counter spin is to offer truth, which is exactly what the Episcopal Church has done in this instance. Not only is it our Christian duty to speak truthfully. It is actually more effective.
amen, susan, amen!!
I greatly appreciate your regular sharing of your always timely and to the point blog entries and sermons. I don't know how you find the time to write so often and consistently. But the I'm an ENFP who goes off in all directions, universally and intuitively, rather than an ENFJ who is able to verbalize just about everything and share it with others. Please accept this brief note as a resounding thank you!, encore! and excelsior!
anonymous ... thanks ever so ... and actually it is the increasing influence of the "rising P" on my Myers-Briggs that allows me to "get off task" and wallow in Blogland instead of crossing things off my to-do list! (Clearly a VERY mixed blessing but a blessing nevertheless!)
Thanks again!
You are far braver than I to wander off into the blogosphere but I can't agree more with your comment and Bill's response. (Procrastinating on my sermon)
Anglican Centrist has a fine exposie of the mendacity that underlies the statement from the self-styled GS Steering Committee posted July 21 at http://anglicancentrist.blogspot.com/.
Thank you for responding to Titus Online. Your response was right on target.
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