But the Paris Hilton will-she-or-won't-she end up back in the slammer on her probation violation saga ...
... which is holding the media captive ...
... pre-empting less important stories like, oh ...
It's actually "getaway" day here at Chez Brooks-Russell as we're off for a week of vacation starting tomorrow so we'll be in and out with episodic access to the breaking news ... (I did just hear that Hilton's attorney MAY have been sighted entering the courthouse but they're "not SURE!") ... So if anything BIG breaks, watch this blog for updates.
Or not.
You know, up to this point I was very disgusted with all the media time being spent on Ms. Hilton. But now I'm not so sure. Rightly or wrongly she garners a lot of attention and ha a lot of fans. Perhaps the fact that despite her money and her attractiveness and her whining and crying she is still going to have to pay her due to society will be a bit of a wake up call to some of the youth in America.