Now that the suspense du jour is over and Paris Hilton is back behind bars here are a few things actually WORTH noting:
Howard Anderson's moving reflection on the life and witness of +Jim Kelsey -- the Bishop of Northern Michigan tragically killed in an auto accident last week: Jim Kelsey: A voice that will not be stilled:
Jim Kelsey dared to dream of the Church that Christ calls each one of us to help create. He did justice, loved mercy and walked humbly with his God. He will be dreadfully missed, but he inspired others by the dozens to be partners in carrying out God’s dream for the Church. His voice will not be silenced. We must not let it be silenced.
Desmond Tutu addressed comments to the G8 Summit yesterday saying in part:
"We can survive only together, we can be free only together, we can be prosperous only together, we can be human only together," said the former Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town to lively applause at a rally during the Kirchentag, the once-every-two-years German Protestant convention, meeting this year in Cologne.
On Tuesday I missed noting the the California Assembly once again passed same-sex union legislation which the L.A. Times reports ".... passed after a respectful debate, in stark contrast to rancorous exchanges on the same issue two years ago." The "Governator" is likely to veto it if it passes the State Senate ... although perhaps he'll have a change of heart now that he's not up for re-election again!
And General Peter Pace, the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff whose homophobic rhetoric drew fire back in March when he opined, “I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts” is O-U-T "out." The AP report notes that "a grim faced" Defense Secretary Robert Gates made the announcement today that Pace would not be reappointed. (I did like Hillary Clinton's comment through a spokesperson "When it comes to Iraq it's not enough for President Bush to change the cast, he must also change their script." AMEN!)
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