Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Challenge

"If one starts with doctrines the arguments are endless….But when one comes to the level of interior experience, that is where the meeting takes place….It is in this cave of the heart that the meeting has to take place. That is the challenge." -- Father Bede Griffith, Benedictine monk.

That is, indeed, the challenge -- and it is a challenge that is the focus of our Diocese of Los Angeles Clergy Conference 2008: "Heaven on Earth: A Theology of Clergy Rootedness" -- presented by theologian Michael Battle & musician Fran McKendree here in beautiful, beachside San Pedro.

We started last night with a plenary session of Evening Prayer, music with Fran and a presentation by Michael – which included this video: “Did you know?”

Fascinating stuff. More later – stay tuned!


  1. Fran is awesome---he did a concert at my Dear Friend's church ten days ago, and preached on Sunday. I love his faith-based music (no small admission from this traditional gal...), but I'm still laughing over the Dog and Cat Diary song...

    Hope you enjoy yourself!

  2. Really quite an interesting presentation, makes me wonder how the Church will evolve with this.


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