Monday, May 05, 2008

Take my hands, Lord Jesus

Sunday we were blessed at our 9:00 service by the minstry of music of our "Minisingers" -- one of our four children & youth choirs.

This particular cadre of choristers are all in either Kindergarten or First Grade and "cute as a button" doesn't even begin to cover how adorable they are ... not to mention what a joyful noise our amazing children's choir director manages to coax out of their tiny little, short-attention-span selves!

Anyway, here's the text for the anthem they sang ... one which I think I may just print out and post by the keyboard on my computer in hopes that I might remember to think not only WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) but WWJB (What Would Jesus Blog?)

Jesus’ hands were kind hands,
Doing good for all.
Healing pain and sickness,
Blessing children small.
Washing tired feet
And saving those who fall.
Jesus’ hands were kind hands,
Doing good for all.

Take my hands, Lord Jesus,
Let them work for you.
Make them strong and gentle,
Kind in all I do.
Let me watch you, Jesus,
‘Til I’m gentle, too,
‘Til my hands are kind hands,
Quick to work for you.

—Words: Margaret Cropper (1886–1980)
Music: Traditional French; arr. Sue Ellen Page (b. 1949)

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