Thursday, November 18, 2010

Celebrating Bishop Christopher in Los Angeles

Honored to be with members of the Diocesan Program Group on LGBT Ministry who gathered at St. James "in the City" Church on Wilshire Boulevard on Monday night for a reception honoring the work and witness of retired Ugandan Bishop Christopher Senyonjo. Pictured above are [from left to right] Karl Hoaglund, Jim White, Joanne O'Donnell, Neil Tadken, Bishop Christopher, Me & Randy Kimmler.

The evening included a slide show provided by Albert Ogle and an opportunity to hear from Bishop Christopher about the plans for his new "St. Paul's Centre for Reconciliation & Equality" which includes ministry to and with LGBT Ugandans along with other marginalized and vulnerable communities.

Bishop Christopher is in the United States for a month long education tour which will include visits to San Diego and San Francisco as well as New Orleans, New York and Washington DC.

Stay tuned for more information on Bishop Christopher's ministry and how you can help support his prophetic witness.

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