Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The more things change ...

... the more they stay the same. And yes, somebody ends up getting screwed.

In case you missed the latest episode of "As the Anglican World Turns" now-bishop Gregory Cameron made the above referenced statement regarding the ill-conceived Anglican Covenant proposal in a BBC radio conversation with Lesley Fellows ... a CofE priest and the convenor of our "No Anglican Covenant Coalition."

You can read more about it over on the "No Covenant" blog ... and stay tuned for the next episode as the drama continues.


  1. Exactly what I thought when I heard Cameron say those words.

  2. Yeah, exactly, Susan.

  3. "It ain't necessarily so.."

  4. In fairness to Mr. Clinton (and I was not a fan) his statement made sense in context. The bishop's not so much.


  5. Russel: ..."and yes, somebody ends up getting screwed..'

    Clinton:..' it depends on what your definition of is, is.'

    always taken aback a bit when clergy, who are held to a higher standard, use coarse language or bring up titillating expressions from the World.

    'For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, it teaches us to say 'no, to ungodliness & worldly passions', and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age..--titus2.11.

  6. Sometimes taking one aback is the point.

  7. And using such language doesn't add anything to your point, but severely takes away from it, especially when it comes from clergy. It eats away at your authority and the respect that usually comes with it.

  8. Thanks for sharing, Martin. Frankly, I'm more interested in honesty than authority.

  9. I'm talking about the authority of the priesthood itself, not anything personal. The gift and burden bestowed upon you and others before and after you (hopefully). Surely you still want to respect that office?

  10. Not going there, Martin. Thanks for expressing your opinion on my chosen vocabulary. It's a big tent.

  11. MT to SR: [re the priesthood] ...'surely you still want to respect that office?'

    SR to MT:..'not going there...'

    Seems like an honest question, that deserves an honest answer.

  12. Bless your heart, LG. It's about speaking the truth ... in love.

    And when it comes to The Covenant ... somebody's gonna get screwed.

    And that's the truth.

    In love.

  13. You have the patience of a saint, Susan (and an honesty NOT necessarily found in a priest, regrettably! ;-/)


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