Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Episcopal Life focus on church blogosphere

Sean O'Connell offers "Church blogosphere: fresh air or rhetorical smog?" in Episcopal Life Online. I don't know if I buy the "monks of old" thing but it's an honor to be mentioned with the august blogging likes of Fr. Jake, Canon Harmon and other luminaries! Thanks, Sean!

[Episcopal Life] They're like monks of old, scribing texts on Scripture and theology, prayer and meditation, church governance and liturgics -- topics that resonate with them and their experiences of faith in the current day.

They're bloggers -- writers of Internet weblogs ("blogs," for short) -- whose readers respond with comments for posting online.

Together they populate the "blogosphere," a communication environment that, spiritually speaking, includes content that comes as fresh air to some and rhetorical smog to others.
But an informal sampling of blogs shows that Episcopalians, for the most part, blog to build Christian community. Mainly, these blogs are virtual locations for gathering groups of people who love their church and express that love in diverse ways. A few writers may sow discord, yet most work to widen connections and collegiality that might otherwise remain untapped.

Read the rest here ...

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