It was just another Friday in Paradise, Southern California style, so we packed up and headed off to Malibu for a lunch by the shore with our VERY special guest-from-across-the-pond ...

The Reverend Dr. Giles Fraser -- Vicar of Putney!
After a few moments of multi-tasking
(checking the menu AND his voice mail!) ...

And for those "in the neighborhood" enough to stop by, here's the scoop on what Giles will be doing with us at All Saints for the next two weeks. Do drop by and join in the fun!
All Saints Church is delighted to welcome the Reverend Dr. Giles Fraser to the pulpit on Sunday, November 11th.
Vicar of Putney and lecturer in philosophy at Wadham College Oxford, Dr. Fraser also writes for the UK Guardian, where he regularly challenges the established church to live up to its high calling to be the Body of Christ. As President of the UK’s "Inclusive Church" organization, he is an influential voice on behalf of the inclusive gospel in the Anglican Communion as it moves toward the 2008 Lambeth Conference.
As a preacher, speaker, teacher and writer he offers a prophetic voice of challenge to both orthodoxy and empire. We are grateful that Dr. Fraser will be spending part of his sabbatical time with us here in Pasadena. Mark your calendars now for these two opportunities to hear from one of the most in-demand Anglicans on either side of the Atlantic:
Sunday, November 11, 2007
• At 9:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. Dr. Fraser will preach on "Salvation and Democracy"
• At 5:00 p.m. Dr. Fraser will offer the meditation at Evensong (Canterbury Choir with the music of Friedell & Mozart) followed by a wine & cheese reception in the All Saints Forum.
You lucky b*st*rds. ;-)
Giles+ for ABC!
Let's see:
"Lucky" (a Buddhist fatalistic concept never used by Jesus or the Apostles), and "b*st*rds".
Probably leads a parish somewhere in TEC.
allen -- Oh for heaven's sake ... lighten up! Sanctimonious in not only NOT next to Godliness it's really annoying.
I'm sorry, Susan. I thought you wanted people to listen to what you and others say.
I get it, allen: you're fasting, and you want us all to see your gloom. But waitaminnit, that's what Our Lord said NOT to do. Oh well...
[FWIW, I'm a lay-person in this blessed Episcopal Church]
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