Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Update from the Equality Front

One of the gifts of sabbatical time is keeping up with the news -- and this morning it's kinda hard to keep up with the "Breaking News" breaking on the equality front!

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — A federal judge has ruled that Kentucky must recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states, striking down part of the state ban in a ruling that included this great quote:
"Assigning a religious or traditional rationale for a law does not make it constitutional when that law discriminates against a class of people without other reasons," wrote Heyburn, an appointee of President George H.W. Bush.
Read more here.

In a FB post, Lambda Legal's Jon Davidson reports: The 9th Circuit just granted our motion to expedite argument of our Nevada marriage equality case and ordered that the appeal be calendered for oral argument "as soon as possible."...

AND ... from the Church of England Synod this headline:

"Welby tells Church refusing gay blessings will be viewed like racism" (and no -- that was not The Onion -- it was The Telegraph!)

Juxtaposed against the news of protests in Russia and presecution in Africa it's both an inspiration and a challenge to hold in tension how far we've come -- and how far we have yet to go -- before the full humanity and equality of LGBT people is affirmed, protected and celebrated. La lucha continua!

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