So I was ranting about this to a vestry member last night who didn't quite "get" the implications of it all and found myself saying, "OK -- let me put it this way: it makes as much sense for a diocese that isn't happy with the decisions of the Presiding Bishop to ask to be under the authority of the Primate of Uganda as it would for a state that wasn't happy with the decisions of the President of the United States to ask to be under the authority of the Prime Minister of Canada!"
And he paused.
And I paused.
And we both went ... hmmmm ...
And I think I'm going to leave it at that.
PS -- Here's the text of the President's 9/11 Address in case you missed the chance to get outraged at his further politicizing our national tragedy as a defense for his indefensible war.
The analogy only works if the President was selected by Senators (with near life time tenure) selected by State Legislatures!
Our PB selection process is diffuse representation to say the least!
ellie ... I could LIVE with a compentant conservative!
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