Many years ago George Regas taught me that we are called to set audacious goals and to celebrate incremental victories. The full equality of LGBT people in this nation and the full inclusion of the LGBT baptized in the church IS the "audacious goal" -- and while we have miles to go before that goal is reached, there continue to be incremental victories to celebrate along the way. And today I want to celebrate one of them.
Yesterday President Obama hosted a reception for LGBT leaders at the White House ... and our Bishop Mary Glasspool and her partner Becki Sander were on the guest list. I hope we'll hear more from her directly about the experience, but for the moment I'm delighted to be able to share a couple of photos she sent.

I think that's what they call "an understatement." And I think he knows he can count on us to "let him know." And I think he can take it when we do.
To put it in context, here's another quote -- this one from activist Dan Savage, who was also present at the reception. “I’m not one of the gay activists furious at the president because he’s not out on the furthest limb. We need to keep the pressure on and take ‘yes’ for an answer.” I would add keep the prayers AND the pressure up ... and be ready, willing and able to "take yes for an answer" when it comes.
Finally, here's my favorite: a snapshot of Mary and Becki under the East Room portrait of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.

What a great pic!
Thanks for posting this. Incremental victories, indeed!
wv: ststs
I agree about the photo of +Mary and Becki and Eleanor Roosevelt - fantastic...
And also agree about taking yes for an answer - and simply continuing in the strength of that yes to the next one...
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