From a Commentary in today's Fort Worth Star-Telegram ... on the latest episode of "As The Episcopal World Turns in the Diocese of Fort Worth."
(Thanks to Katie Sherrod for the "heads up!")
(Thanks to Katie Sherrod for the "heads up!")
Bishop Iker:
You just decided to leave. You were done with all that crazy Episcopal Church U.S.A. stuff. You followed your star, fine and good. But please don’t pretend that you’re the one staying and others — here all along — are the ones forming a new diocese. They are the ones continuing.
So go in peace. Take the souls who feel likewise along with you. But following the council of Jesus, take nothing more than your staff, sandals and bag on the way to your promised land.
Be blessed while you do it, but don’t pretend to be something you’re not. Or lay claim to their property and resources. No fair initiating the divorce and then expecting to the get the house as a part of the property settlement. You’ll need to find an apartment.
You just decided to leave. You were done with all that crazy Episcopal Church U.S.A. stuff. You followed your star, fine and good. But please don’t pretend that you’re the one staying and others — here all along — are the ones forming a new diocese. They are the ones continuing.
So go in peace. Take the souls who feel likewise along with you. But following the council of Jesus, take nothing more than your staff, sandals and bag on the way to your promised land.
Be blessed while you do it, but don’t pretend to be something you’re not. Or lay claim to their property and resources. No fair initiating the divorce and then expecting to the get the house as a part of the property settlement. You’ll need to find an apartment.
Read the whole piece here ... and DO keep the good people of the Diocese of Fort Worth in your prayers as they move ahead into God's future as Episcopalians.
1 comment:
On the new Diocese of Fort Worth website, that is OUR Diocese of Fort Worth, is a link to a video of a Solemn High Mass at All Saints Fort Worth where the Presider is none other than The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schorri! To see her cense the altar, chant the Mass, and offer our Lord's Body and Blood in the Holy Sacrifice offered to the Glory of God was the most joyful, most triumphant expression of the victory of our God over the sin of gender prejudice I have ever seen.
Take that, Jack Iker! Jesus won. You lost.
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