Just watched the Democratic Debate from New Hampshire with an audience of two ... one Obama leaner and one Clinton supporter ... and we both say Hillary won hands down!
Best one-liner: " ... and then sometimes they send Dick Cheney which certainly isn't very diplomatic!"
Am I the only Democrat that thinks a string of Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton presidents is just a bit too weird ?
Of course, maybe I'm just feeling a bit testy these days, being more an Edwards supporter than anything else ;)
Yes ... it is weird ... and I've been a big Edwards booster, too ... so, as I keep saying at the dinner table, after a long drought in Democratic Candidate Land it's a refreshing problem to have more than one horse in the race to root for.
It will not be dull. And, in my mind, Hillary clearly kicked butt in the debate last night.
(Note: November 2008 is a LOOOONG way away!)
One debate does not a successful presidential candidate make.
I'm not sure she can win - even if the Republicans put up another idiot - although, they really outdid themselves with Bush.
Then again, as much as I'd love to see a person of color in the White House, I can't imagine "President Obama" would roll easily off the lips of too many six years after 9/11.
Tough call. Thankfully, it's still too early to make.
If I had my way, my "dream ticket" would be Edwards/Obama :)
I am one of those who is still waiting for Vice President Gore to throw his hat into the race. He won once, he can win again!
If he doesn't, then go Dennis Kucinich. Um, who? :)
Gore did not win. Clinton won with Gore as VP. But I understand what you mean.
Election years and the lead up are always fun. What a show!
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