Momentarily I will head over to church to preach at the 7:30 a.m. service. Then we'll welcome the Bishop of New Hampshire who will preach at both 9:00 & 11:15 (and speak at the Rector's Forum between services.) At 11:15 we'll be welcoming 40 new members and baptizing 6.
After church is the annual Women's Council "Voices of the Heart" Brunch where about 100 of us will listen to Elsie Sadler and Connie Smith talk about their many decades of ministry here at All Saints Church (Connie was married here during "the war.")
Then I'll head over to the rectory and join my staff colleagues at the new member welcoming reception. From there I'll go back to church for a GALAS event: the screening of the documentary film "Saving Marriage" (chronicling how Massachusetts defeated the anti-equality initiative in their state) and sitting on a panel to discuss how we're going to do the same thing here in November.
Tomorrow is another day ... and methinks there will still be plenty of Global Anglican Posturing going on. But as for me and my house, today we're just going to be too busy loving and serving the Lord to worry about it.
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