Click here for today's NewsHour Interview
with Kendall Harmon and Susan Russell
And click here for the Presiding Bishop's ENS interview
Here for her disappointing "Reflections on the Primates Meeting"
And click here for a more encouraging statement from
Bishop Marc Andrus, California
The inclusion of gay and lesbian people in the full life of the Church is a matter of justice: as we are all part of the world, and the kindom of God is like a net laid over that same world. All on the earth are connected by this net, whether perceived or not. Actions of justice and injustice reverberate throughout the whole, promoting either integrity, remembering, and shalom, or diabolic isolation.
Click here for the Washington Post article du jour:
"Yes, I would accept schism," said Bishop Steven Charleston, president of the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Mass. "I would be willing to accept being told I'm not in communion with places like Nigeria if it meant I could continue to be in a position of justice and morality. If the price I pay is that I'm not considered to be part of a flawed communion, then so be it."
Here for the New York Times:
“Being part of the Anglican Communion is very important to me,” said Bishop Mark S. Sisk of New York. “But if the price of that is I have to turn my back on the gay and lesbian people who are part of this church and part of me, I won’t do that.”.
More commentary later ... off to Shrove Tuesday Pancake Land!
You were awesome on the Newshour today!
I saw your segment on NewsHour...good work, and God bless you for all you do!
Susan, you said, "So I think the greater challenge we face has much less to do with gay and lesbian people or bishops or blessings, but how we're going to be church together. I think that is really under attack by the radical religious right, who is willing to split this church if they can't recreate it in their own image."
"Recreate it." Are you saying that it is the conservatives who have introduced a novel teaching into the Christian faith, while the progressives are teaching what the Christian Church has always taught?
You know, of course, that it is the progressives who have introduced a novelty, and that therefore it is the progressives who are trying to recreate the church in their own image.
Thank you Susan, and God bless you
And your comment about being the minority opinion-
Who had the ultimate minority opinion in history-
Jesus Christ
Stephen Ortland
heterosexual husband and father of 3 and supporter of all human rights!
It is probably most accurate to say that both reappraisers and reasserters are pushing for novel solutions to our current problems. While the reappraisers push for a novelty in questions of human sexuality, the reasserters push for a novelty in matters of church polity.
Rev. Susan, you are/were articulate, diplomatic, tactful, assertive, and loving on the Newshour, glad I finally found your blog! We love you and happy to have you at All Saints Pasadena. Joe
Well, Susan, since I cannot move to Pasadena to marry you (my male sweetheart might object!) let me send you a long-distance kiss of peace for your gracious, reasonable, heartfelt, and spiritually sound interview responses. You voiced the concerns of so many of us... Now, let us all connect with our bishops before they meet -- and hold them, our church, and our LGBT brothers and sisters in prayer.
We will not retreat! God is our witness and Jesus Christ is our advocate.
As a conservative Catholic priest who has no sympathy at all for your position, I do have to say that both you and Kendell Harmon were fine representatives on the NewsHour for your respective positions.
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