The issue of homosexuality and the Anglican Communion must be resolved before the 2008 Lambeth Conference, if the Church of Nigeria is to participate, according to Archbishop Peter Akinola.
It was all-parish-all-day today so not much time for blog-land but this leaped off my email right onto the blog page all on its own. So much for Covenants-in-progress, Primates'-meetings-in-the-offing or any other "we can work it out" ops still on the drawing board.
Are we there yet? To the tipping point? To the moment when the rational people who actually do make up the majority of this Church and this Communion will say "ENOUGH ALREADY" and quit allowing the mission and ministry of the Gospel to be held hostage by posturing primates with their dueling diatribes?
Let's hope so.
It's ok with me if he doesn't show up at Lambeth in 2008. No use crying over sour milk.
Either way, he won't show up!
Is that what they call a "win win"????
Hmmmm, sounds to me like he just shot himself in the foot. The more moderate provinces aren't likely to like being threatened in this way, and if the PB takes a conciliatory stance like I suspect she will the Communion could decide that it's Nigeria that has chosen to walk apart rather than the US and Canada.
Well, it all seems sorted to me. We just drag our feet a bit, which we're good at, and Big Pete won't turn up. So everyone else can.
OK what's the catch?
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